Tips For Writing Real Estate Descriptions Buyers Love

It is easy to criticize a real estate description than to write one. Few people can write masterful descriptions yet they are responsible for sales. They bring images and videos to life, enticing buyers to make the decision. Writing ‘2 beds and 4 baths’ will not sell your property.

The good news is that real estate descriptions are the easiest to write. It is about choosing the right words that can speak to the heart of the buyer. It is also about positive vibes and knowing when to call to action. Here are excellent tips that will turn you into the next real estate mega-seller.

Start with a strong headline

The exterior is the most important selling point. It gives an idea about the neighborhood. Notice that people can always change the interior but can only do so little about the outside. The picture of the exterior is strengthened by a captivating headline.

A headline like “A Beautiful 4-bedroom bungalow in a Fenced Compound at Brooklyn Drive” says almost everything a person would want to know about a house. The buyer will now want to know about the available space and price. The headline will capture the attention of anyone looking for a 4-bedroom house. It also promises a beautiful house. The mention of fenced compound points at security. These are factors that push the reader to now ask for the price.

Be specific and accurate

It is exciting to search for a home. However, flipping through tens and hundreds of them can be tiring and time-consuming. Whenever you leave important information, your description raises a red flag. The buyers move on very fast in search of more serious sellers.

Include the details of what people look for when buying houses. Capture the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, and the location. You can take it further to include the type of wood used on the floor, the washers, and dryers installed, and ovens. While you provide information on installed appliances, avoid those that are old and would require replacement. More and accurate information lets you pass as genuine.

Say what’s unique

Houses come with minor and attractive elements that would be of interest to buyers. Most of these details are invisible in photos. However, they hold the potential when selling your house. It could be an electric fireplace in the living room or shelving in the closet. Give such features the prominence they deserve.

The rise of smart homes offers an opportunity to showcase more. People are looking for better space utilization and the infusion of technology. Talk about smart locks, lights, cameras, and doorbells. Such minor but unique details make a huge difference in your sales.

Talk about your neighbors

What can people see in the neighborhood? Are there schools, malls, dams, or parks? Such amenities give an idea of the lifestyle the buyer can expect to live.

The best real estate description is one that causes the potential buyer to imagine living his dream life. It offers enough details to arouse curiosity. Provide a call-to-action and wait for inquiries on the other end.

Author Bio

Adrian is an expert digital marketing writer, having worked in the industry for more than 5 years now. He also offers US essay writing services online to guarantee the best college experience for students. Flex is passionate about digital presence for businesses and will help you to keep your brand on top.