Real Estate Marketing: Writing a Blog Post in Under 20 Minutes

The real estate industry is a tough business to be in, especially when you’re constantly dealing with customers, creating content, marketing and working with sellers. It’s a trade where you need to wear a lot of hats at lots of different times.

However, since you’re working to such a busy schedule, why not save time by learning how to write effective, conversion-boosting blog posts that get traffic and engagement, all in less than 20 minutes? Sounds impossible?

Here’s our complete guide to help you do just that, complete with a timeframe on what minute out of the 20 you should be doing what;

Start with a Powerful Headline (1-3 minutes)

This is the most important part of any article or blog post since it’s going to be the part of the post that captures the attention of your audience and will make them click. If nobody clicks on your content, there’s no point in writing it.

Spend at least 2 minutes on your headlines, writing out multiple versions, also using your keyword research, to optimize your headline and provide the guidelines for the rest of your content.

Opening Paragraph (3-6 minutes)

So, you managed to get somebody to click on your blog post. However, if your opening paragraph isn’t strong, the reader isn’t going to stay, and you’ll have lost your chance to market your real estate to that customer.

Whatever you’re going to be talking about, address the problem, make it relatable to your reader, and then tell them a brief clue on how you’re going to fix or address your topic of concern.

Teasing some of the ideas you have on how to help the reader is also a great way to draw your reader into the actual content you’re writing about.

Break Down into Subheadings (6-9 minutes)

Now you get to get into the solid content of your blog post and what you and your reader has been waiting for. While there are lots of different approaches you could take when it comes to writing a blog post, the best thing to do is to break your ideas down into subheadings.

This is the easiest way to give your blog posts structure and to help you follow what you want to write about, rather than trying to think of the best way to approach your content or think about what you’re writing next, which is only going to waste time.

“Try to keep your headers clear and concise, and make sure the wording you use makes the headers into actionable ideas that your readers can use. Look at this headline; if you were skimming it, you’d look for a headline that peaks your interest before diving into that content,” shares Jack Crompton, a marketing manager at UK Writings.

Write Your Content (9-15 minutes)

Now that all the prep work is done, you can go about writing your content. Of course, this is where you have true creative freedom and can really set about making your blog post your own. The best way to go about this is to write your content non-stop in one continuous go for as long as you can.

This is great for getting the content out quickly and means you have less time to think about what you’re doing and what you’re writing. It’s more a way of getting all your thoughts down on paper instead of having to stop, think, write and then repeat this process over and over again.

“You can write non-stop for three minutes, and you should be able to get between 300-500 words. You can then spend the remaining three minutes, or slightly longer if you’ve taken this approach, on editing your content to take out the bits you don’t like and making it perfect in terms of content,” says Miranda Smith, a blogger at Dissertation writing services reviews.

Editing & Perfecting Your Blog Post (15-20 minutes)

When you’ve written your content, all you need to do finally is to perfect your work. If you’ve taken the approach above, you may need a little longer than this just to organize your thoughts and to get the writing ironed out the content finalized.

If not and you’ve just written your own way, then you’ll probably only need to start this section about 17 or 18 minutes into the writing process. Simply take your time reading through your blog post and make any edits you need to make or altering and moving things around.

When you’re happy with the final piece, perhaps give it to someone else to read, so they can highlight anything they think they should change. Either way, once you’re happy with the final draft, simply go through your content to proofread, edit grammar, address typos and free your work from any mistakes.

You can do this using your own knowledge, or you can do it using online software, or a proofreading service.

Author bio:

Jenny is an email marketer and writer at Top essay writing services. She works alongside real estate companies and solo entrepreneurs to analyze and improve their marketing strategies, so they get the best results. She also helps writers and authors with their writing process and assists with proofreading and editing.

Your Guide to Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is just one way businesses can raise money for their products and services. This type of fundraising can be used for many industries, including real estate, using the same models. Instead of looking for investors or getting mortgage loans, consumers can pool their money online, allowing developers to raise money for projects and investors to make their investments work for them. 

Crowdfunding is easy for everyone, including investors, because you don’t need a large lump sum to begin investing. Instead, you can join a crowdfunding side and get various rewards depending on how much money you give. Together, investors can pool their money to purchase property or a share of the property and diversify their portfolios through real estate investments. 

What is Real Estate Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a method where businesses or individuals ask the public to contribute startup capital to fund new ventures, such as building a new community or a single property. Using online fundraising, investors can be pitched easily and decide how much they want to invest. Individuals who contribute to the pool of capital can provide financial backing for other real estate investments. These opportunities can include residential or commercial holdings for housing development, retail or office space, and partial ownership of these properties. 

Investors might choose real estate crowdfunding for many reasons, including:

  • To diversify their investment portfolio
  • Low capital requirement compared to other types of investment opportunities
  • Shared cost structure
  • Risk is split among stakeholders
  • Access to new investment opportunities
  • Doesn’t require owners to guarantee loans
  • No need to qualify for loans
  • Ability to hold commercial and residential real estate properties
  • Exposure to the real estate market without a large time investment

How Does It Work? 

Crowdfunding is easy for businesses and inventors, and it’s fairly popular among individuals that want to grow their wealth without investing too much money or time in real estate. But unfortunately, real estate often requires owners to qualify and obtain a mortgage loan, which means a huge down payment and monthly costs.

Crowdfunding requires none of these same upfront costs, allowing investors to pool their money on crowdfunding sites to make a profit. Most investors only need a few hundred dollars and don’t have to worry about mortgage loans or maintaining their properties. Crowdfunded investments differ from Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) because they’re privately held and don’t pay regular earnings in the form of dividends. Instead, investors make a one-time or ongoing profit based on their investments. 

Real estate providers can offer investors access to different real estate investments and markets that are unavailable to the public. They may even offer higher returns than REITs due to their higher degree of risk. 

Since crowdfunding projects can fall through at any moment, investors can easily lose everything they invested with no chance of getting it back. Therefore, investors need to do their research and only invest what they’re willing to lose. Real estate crowdfunding should never be used as a way to generate substantial wealth; instead, you should only use it to diversify your existing portfolio, which consists of stocks, bonds, and other assets. 

Real Estate Crowdfunding Pros and Cons

There are pros and cons to real estate crowdfunding for investors, so before committing to investing via crowdfunding, you should consider the various advantages and disadvantages. 

Pros of Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate crowdfunding pays larger dividends and allows property owners to diversify their investment portfolios. Through crowdfunding, you’ll have access to opportunities you won’t publicly, eliminating any concerns that many property owners encounter. Additionally, there’s minimal upfront or ongoing investment compared to other types of real estate investing. 

Cons of Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate crowdfunding typically requires you to sign up to use a specific platform, which may require fees. Additionally, unlike other investments like stocks, you can’t easily sell off your assets, and participants have to pay taxes on dividends. Crowdfunding also means that projects don’t have a long track record of success, so you don’t actually know whether or not to put your faith in a project or company. In addition, some platforms require you to become an accredited investor, which means you’ll need to pay more to participate. 

How To Start Crowdfunding Investing

If you want to start investing in real estate through crowdfunding, you’ll need to choose a platform to use. There are many different types of platforms, so it’s important to do your research to find the best opportunities. You can use multiple platforms or just one, but you should read their guidelines for investing and how the process works. A few sites you can use to find real estate crowdfunding opportunities include:

  • Fundrise
  • RealtyMogul
  • CrowdStreet
  • YieldStreet

Compare the sites’ services, fees, terms, and opportunities. You should also look outside the platforms for reviews, including the pros and cons of the different platforms available. Finally, before you begin investing, consider how much you can afford to lose. Since your investments aren’t guaranteed, you should never invest more than you’re willing to lose. 

When you’re ready to invest in a project, you’ll find these platforms are similar to other crowdfunding websites, so the process should be fairly straightforward. If you’re unsure how much to invest, consider talking to a financial advisor who can tell you what types of projects are good opportunities and how much money you should invest in them. Remember, the key is to diversify your portfolio, so these types of investments shouldn’t necessarily be used to grow your wealth. 

Final Thoughts

Real estate crowdfunding allows you to expand your portfolio and dip your toe into the exciting real estate market. It’s ideal for individuals who don’t have a lot of money to start since you won’t have to worry about getting a loan to buy a home from a bank. But, of course, there are many other ways to invest in real estate, so do your research on stocks and different ways you can use the real estate market to grow your wealth. 

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer who loves to share knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness, and financial tips. During her free time, she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

The Advantages of a Turn-Key Home

A turn-key home is a new construction that includes all the finishing touches and is ready for occupancy.

It is easier than ever before to find the perfect turn-key finish home for your needs. There are many different styles of homes available, from traditional to modern, and you can customize the home to suit your tastes. You can also find a turn-key finish home with a yard or without, depending on what you’re looking for in the perfect property.

With so many options available, it’s no wonder that this option has become increasingly popular over the years.

What is a Turn-Key Home?

A turn-key home is a house that is ready to move into or occupy without any additional construction. It has all the necessary components, such as plumbing, electricity, and heating already installed.

The term “turn-key” can also be used in the context of a business, where it means that the business is fully operational and ready for customers. In this article we will concentrate on the advantages of a turn-key finish home.

What are the Benefits?

Buying a turn-key home is a great way to enter the real estate market, with minimal hassle. You can find turn-key houses in many different styles and sizes, so it is easy to find one that fits your needs.

A turn-key home may be built from modular or prefabricated parts. In this case the house has already been constructed in a factory and then transported to the site where it will be put together like a puzzle.

A turn-key building is usually cheaper than buying an existing house because the contractor does not have to pay any additional labour costs for constructing it on site.

A Turn-Key Home – Traditional Construction

The architect designs the layout of the house, and the builder builds it according to the design. The builder then hands over the keys to the homeowner, who can move in right away.

There are many benefits to building a turn-key house, such as having all of your needs met in one place without having to worry about finding separate professionals for every job. But there are also disadvantages, like not being able to customize your home as much or living with someone else’s design choices.

But the good news is that usually you can decide how much you like to get involved in the project. Most builders would let you choose colors, tiles, flooring etc. within a certain price range.

A Turn-Key Home – Prefabricated

A turn-key finish house that is prefabricated, is made in a factory and then assembled on site.

Prefabricated homes are also known as modular homes. These are assembled in a factory and then delivered to the construction site where they are put together. You can buy these houses from catalogues or from companies that specialize in this type of housing.

The process of picking from a catalogue means you have to find the house that fits your needs, order it, and wait for it to arrive to the construction site before you can start building it.

Prefabricated houses and modular houses have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to understand these differences before you make your decision of buying one of them.


In conclusion, buying a turn-key building is great for people who are looking for a home that has everything they need and want. They don’t have to worry about the hassle of finding different contractors to install different things in the house.

How to Shop For Luxury Apartments Like Southern Station Apartments

There are several ways to find luxury apartments for rent. A majority of people contact real estate agents to see what is available and they end up seeing only a small percentage of the options. The key is to tour many luxury apartments and avoid getting too tired while searching.

Visiting the apartments in person will help you narrow your options. You can also look online or in magazines to get a feel for what the options are like. But the best way to find luxury apartments is to get out there and see them for yourself!

Comparative shopping

The most effective way to rent a luxury apartment is to do some comparison shopping. This will enable you to choose an apartment that best fits your lifestyle, but not overextend your budget.

Luxury apartments are usually larger, but some are smaller. Be sure to measure the space you want to live in before you make a decision. You should also take the time to research the terms and conditions of each community, as well as the surrounding area.

Some of the features that you should look for when choosing a luxury apartment are 24-hour concierge service, state-of-the-art fitness centers, private rooftops with seating and a barbecue area, game rooms, and upgraded security, including onsite security guards.

Luxury apartments may also feature hardwood or tile floors and smart home technology, such as smart thermostats. Click the link: for more information about smart thermostats.  Luxury apartments also tend to be more expensive than average ones, but they are worth it if you get a premium location and the best amenities.

The price of a luxury apartment is a major factor in deciding whether to rent it. Luxury apartments are expensive, so be sure to factor in all of the costs and benefits of owning them. You should also consider the location and other factors, such as proximity to your workplace, schools, or the amenities offered.

You should compare luxury apartments with standard apartment communities to find the best one for your needs. Remember that some luxury apartments have numerous perks while others have few or no differences.


Tours are an excellent way to see the amenities of an apartment complex before you make your final decision. The tour will last anywhere from twenty minutes to two hours, depending on your schedule and the apartment complex.

During the tour, you should ask questions and learn about the community and unit, as well as its amenities. You should also dress to impress. Tour guides often have multiple renters who want to look at the same apartment unit.


The best way to find luxury rentals is to compare the features of several communities before settling on one. To avoid being cheated out of a luxury apartment, you should research the community’s terms and conditions before making a final decision.

You can use a tool like Zumper to search for luxury rentals by zip code. While the process may seem time-consuming, it is definitely worth it. Luxury apartment communities come in all shapes and sizes.

Usually, most people contact real estate agents to see if there are any available luxury rentals. While that works out fine, it’s best to tour a lot of rentals in person to ensure you find the perfect one. Also, don’t get tired of looking, and don’t be afraid to haggle a bit. There’s no such thing as a perfect luxury apartment, so don’t be afraid to negotiate.

Some residents enjoy spending time outside of their unit, which is why some luxury apartment communities have a pool, game room, lounge, and movie theater. Even a small studio apartment may feel luxurious if it’s in a luxury complex.

Some luxury communities even have a movie theater or pool, so residents can stay in their units and enjoy the amenities. The amenities of these communities are certainly worth the extra price tag.

But if you don’t like spending time out of your apartment, you might not want to live in one.

Another factor to consider when looking for luxury rentals is location. Luxury apartment communities should be located near dining, entertainment, and medical services, making it easy for residents to commute to work and school. Click here: for a complex that offers many attractive amenities. Once you know what you are interested in, it is easier to find what you need.

Luxury apartment communities will usually have more square footage and amenities than standard apartment communities, so take the time to compare them. By comparing both types of properties, you will be able to identify the ones that meet your requirements. There are some that offer a lot of extra perks and amenities, while others offer only a few distinctions.

Author: Samantha Friend

Is it Better to Sell Your Home on Your Own or Through a Realtor?

Selling a house can seem like a difficult task. While the process of buying a house may have been made easier with the help of a realtor, you might decide to save some money on commission by trying to sell your home on your own. It’s a common thought among sellers because no one wants to give up tens of thousands of dollars to a realtor on the sale of their home. 

Before you make any hasty decisions, you should understand how a realtor can reduce the stress of selling a home by making the process a whole lot easier for you. In this article, we’ll discuss whether it’s best to sell your home yourself or through a realtor by discussing the pros and cons of each. By the end of the article, you’ll have a better understanding of your options to help you make the right decision based on your unique circumstances. 

Selling Without a Realtor

When you sell a house without a realtor, it’s called “for sale by owner” or FSBO. FSBO listings are marked as such to let potential buyers know they won’t be working with a realtor if they’re interested in selling the home. Of course, buyers still have the option to work with their realtor. However, selling a home without a realtor isn’t advised if you don’t know your buyer because there’s a long process and tons of paperwork involved. 

While the actual process of selling a home without a realtor is the same as selling with one, you’ll have to deal with a different listing because you won’t have access to the multiple listing service (MLS) realtors use. Instead, you can pay real estate companies to list your home on the MLS without representation or use free listing services. In addition, selling your home without a real estate agent means giving yourself more work, so it may not be worth it if you already have a full-time job and don’t want to take on additional responsibilities. 

Pros of FSBO

  • Sellers can save money on real estate agent commissions, but they’ll still have to pay a real estate agent when used by the buyer.
  • Sellers have more control because they don’t have to worry about a real estate agent’s opinions and can dictate their terms.
  • Homes can sell quickly because they’re typically sold directly to individuals the seller already knows.

Cons of FSBO

  • Sellers still pay a buyer’s real estate agent commission, and many buyers use agents because it comes at absolutely no cost to them.
  • Sellers easily over or underprice their homes because they don’t have real estate knowledge or knowledge about the current real estate market and competition.
  • Typically sell for less because overpricing can cause houses to linger for too long on the market while underpricing prices them well below the market.
  • Harder to generate buzz and find buyers because they don’t have the same resources as real estate agents
  • Poor negotiations can lead to underpricing and underselling the home because FSBO sellers don’t have the same types of negotiating power as realtors. Inexperienced sellers may also not verify buyers can pay for the home by checking mortgage pre-approvals.

After weighing the pros and cons of selling without a realtor, you may be curious to learn about the process. If you proceed with this route, you’ll need to avoid pricing your house incorrectly, which means conducting your own local market research and finding listings in your area with the same square footage and features as your home to see how much they sell for. 

You’ll also need to take care of your marketing and advertising, which may mean spending money on online and print advertising and marketing strategies like using social media to spread the word about your listing. 

Selling With a Realtor

When selling your house with a realtor, you can sit back and let them do all the hard work, including pricing your home, listing it, and advertising the listing. Once you get interested buyers, they’ll also negotiate to help you get the best price for your home. But, of course, this option also comes with many pros and cons. 

Pros of Selling With a Realtor

  • Realtors sell homes full-time, which means they have the expertise to handle every step of the process, including doing market research and pricing your home, staging it, and negotiating offers without the need for you to get involved. Selling a house is exhausting, and you already have a job, so there’s no need to take on extra work when you don’t have it. 
  • Agents have access to large networks to help you list your home. Of course, you can list your home yourself on some platforms like Zillow and Redfin, but you don’t have the same professional network as they do. Realtors know other realtors and will try to find buyers through their own networks, allowing you to get more offers. 
  • One of the most significant advantages of working with a realtor is saving time because they handle the entire process. Of course, you’ll get the final say in how much to price your home for and who you’ll sell it to, but realtors take care of the rest, including all the paperwork once you’ve found a buyer. 
  • Realtors negotiate every day they work, so they have the right skills to help you get the right price for your home. An experienced selling agent knows all the signs of low-quality buyers and can help you find the right buyer who is willing to pay more for your home. Additionally, before realtors make more money when they sell your home for more, they’re willing to work harder to get you as much as possible for your home. 

Cons of Selling With a Realtor

  • When you sell your home with a realtor, you’ll have to pay them a commission, which typically ranges from 3-5% of the sale price on the home. Many sellers don’t want to pay this because it can mean giving a realtor tens of thousands of dollars for selling their home, but when you consider how much time and stress they’ve saved you, it’s well worth it.
  • Realtors are human, so they may not always accurately price your home even with the help of all of their research. Of course, you may have a difference of opinion with a realtor who wants to sell your home for less than you believe it’s worth. You have the final say in the asking price, but it’s worth it to listen to your realtor because you may be making decisions based on emotions rather than data. 

When Should You Sell Without a Realtor?

You can sell your home without a realtor at any time, but it’s typically best to work with a realtor if you don’t have a buyer lined up. If you plan to sell to a friend or family member, you can forgo the realtor and their commission fee because the hard work of finding a buyer is done. Of course, depending on how much you know about the process, you might still want to work with a realtor to finalize the deal. 

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

Tips for Finding the Right Real Estate Agent For You

Buying a house is a long, complex process. First, you must understand the loan process, which can take months if you’re not in good financial health. Then, after you’re pre-approved for a mortgage, you can begin the house hunt, but while the process can be fun, it can also be daunting. While there are many homes for sale around the nation, finding the right home for you based on your needs can be difficult. That’s where a realtor comes in. You can put together a list of all the features you want in a home with your top priorities first, and a real estate agent will search their networks and database to find homes that would be a good fit based on your budget.

On the flip side, sellers often have difficulty selling their homes without a realtor because they don’t have the network or negotiation skills required for selling a house to buyers willing to pay more for the house they want. Of course, most buyers and sellers should work with a realtor, but buyers don’t have to pay for a realtor, so there’s ultimately no reason for buyers not to hire one to help them find their dream home. Unfortunately, there are many realtors in your city alone, and finding the right one can be tricky because you want them to work on finding you a home based on your priorities and budget. Here are a few tips to help you find the right real estate agent for you. 

Be Ready

Knowing what you want in a home can make finding a realtor easier. Remember, while realtors want your business, they also want to find you a house fast to make money and move on to the next client. If you’re unsure what you want in a home, you can appear as a difficult client to experienced realtors, and many of the best agents will avoid you until you can tell them what you’re looking for in a home. 

Additionally, even though a realtor can help you understand the loan process, you should be preapproved for a mortgage before looking for a real estate agent because they need to ensure that you’re qualified for a loan. That being said, realtors can help you understand more about the mortgage loan process and different terms that can be confusing, such as underwriting, amortization, private mortgage insurance, and more. 

Ask for Recommendations

The easiest way to find a great realtor is by asking family and friends about their experiences selling and buying their homes. You can talk to multiple people to determine what stood out about their real estate agents. You can also look online at reviews of local agents to help you understand what other buyers or sellers thought about working with them.

Check Your Area

You always want to find a real estate agent in your area because they’ll know more about the local market. But, of course, you’ll also need to be assured of their experience in general, including whether or not they’re full-time. Of course, you can also find a realtor who works part-time, but you can assume you won’t be their highest priority because they might be working another job, which means they won’t be available to answer your questions at all times. 

You can learn more about someone’s experience by performing a background check or asking to see a list of their recent clients and calling those individuals up to learn about their experiences. You can also determine the types of properties they sell. For example, if you’re looking to buy a single-family home, you want a realtor with experience in buying or selling those types of properties to ensure they’ll give you the best information about your local market. 

Don’t Forget About Personality

Depending on the type of client you are, you might be spending a lot of time communicating with your realtor, either in person or on the phone. Therefore, you want to ensure that they have a personality that allows you to build a relationship with them. If you’re a seller, you’re going to be paying an agent a commission worth thousands of dollars, so you must ensure they’re someone you can trust and rely on. 

Since buying and selling a property can be stressful, you want to ensure you’re hiring someone who can help relieve some of your stress rather than add to it. When interviewing potential realtors, let them know what your expectations are to give them the opportunity to turn down your proposal in case they think they won’t be the right agent for you. 

Consider Communication

As we’ve mentioned, you’re going to communicate with your realtor a lot, whether you’re buying or selling. However, everyone has communication preferences. For example, depending on your real estate agent’s business or life, they might not be available on weekends. Meanwhile, you might have a nine-to-five job and won’t be able to answer the phone every time your realtor has news for you. Stating your communication preferences upfront can help both you and your realtor understand the best way to stay in touch. 

Ask About Other Obligations

Real estate agents have multiple clients at once, so you can’t expect to be their main priority at all times. However, you also don’t want to choose a realtor that takes on too many clients at once and can’t give any of them adequate attention. Talk to your realtor about the type of client you expect yourself to be. 

Most agents understand the stressful process of buying and selling a home and are willing to work with you to make it happen without adding stress. However, others will run from needy clients that call them every day. If you’re the type of client wanting to discuss where your realtor is in the process often, you may have to consider how many other clients they’re working with. 

Final Thoughts

The easiest way to find the right real estate agent for you is by interviewing at least three of them in person. While their experience is important, you want to find someone you get along with and trust to ensure a smooth process. Setting expectations at the beginning is key to ensuring you have a good relationship with whoever you choose. 

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

Higher Interest Rates, Higher Prices for Materials – What it Means for the Construction Industry

This article will provide an overview of the current state of the construction industry, as well as what to expect from it in the future.

Construction projects are a major source of employment and economic growth, but they’ve been lagging in recent years due to a number of factors. It’s important that we take a closer look at these factors so we can better understand how they affect our economy and what we can do about them.

The construction industry is a crucial part of the economy. Construction jobs are projected to grow by 10% through 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s also one of the fastest-growing industries in the nation.

How Higher Interest Rates Affect the Construction Industry

Construction is a cyclical industry, and the market is currently in a period of expansion. However, higher interest rates can affect the construction industry in two ways. Firstly, they can lead to higher mortgage rates which will increase the cost of home ownership. Secondly, they can lead to decreased demand for homes which will decrease new construction starts.

Age Effect

The age effect is a factor that can cause the demand for housing to change. The changing of the factors in the population over time can impact on what people are looking for when they look to buy or rent a home. For example, older people typically want larger homes with more space and amenities due to their health and declining mobility. Younger people, on the other hand, want single-family homes with smaller spaces. Market conditions can also impact home values, meaning a property may be worth more during a boom or less during a bust.

How Expensive Material Affects the Construction Industry

The construction industry is a business that is highly dependent on materials. The cost of these materials can have a significant impact on the profitability of the company.

The price of materials has skyrocketed in recent years due to inflation and scarcity. This has made it difficult for companies to keep up with demand, especially smaller companies that cannot afford to pay higher prices.

The prices of these materials are not expected to change anytime soon, so companies will need to find ways to work around this problem if they want to remain competitive in the market.

One idea that is to build with cheaper materials, for example rammed earth houses. It is environmentally friendly, usually available on site and available at very little cost.

How to Prepare for a Future with Higher Interest Rates and Expensive Material

The conclusion is that the future of the economy is uncertain. We can’t predict the future and we don’t know how it will change. It’s up to us to prepare for any possible scenario – for example to consider alternative construction methods – and be ready for anything.

Thinking to buy a house? Have a look at our listings:

Advantages of Investing in Urbanized Land

When it comes to investing in land with a view to turning it into a business, the advantages offered by urbanized land, such as Overseas Prime II , over other types of lots are key to achieving business growth goals and obtaining the expected Return on Investment (ROI).

In recent years, investment in commercial real estate has multiplied, generating higher income due to the growth of cities and the demand for services, two aspects that open new areas of opportunity for business.

However, to increase the chances of having a profitable business, it is not enough to look at the development of the place and the market of opportunities; It is also essential to know what type of land to choose to make a profitable investment and avoid any type of risk.

Sky Marketing presents this article in which we will talk about urbanized land and the advantages they have over rustic and undeveloped land.

What Type of Land to Invest in?

Nowadays, thanks to the yields generated by the land, it is common to find a great diversity of land offered in the real estate market, and choosing the most convenient one depends on the objectives and expectations of each investor.

Investing is a decision that requires analysis and research to avoid risks and capital losses. There are many types of investments that you can make depending on your age, but real estate investment coincides at all stages of life.

The type of land you buy will depend on the business idea you have or —in any case— if it will be used for housing. In both cases, it is always advisable to invest in urbanized land that allows you to save money.

Now, being clear that the land must be urbanized, it only remains to verify when you make the purchase that it has the type of land use that you require, be it commercial, residential or industrial.

What is Urbanized Land?

To better understand the above, we will define what urbanized land is.

Within the real estate offer, it is common to find two types of landurbanized and those that, due to their growth projection, are options for long-term investment but that do not have services or any type of urbanization that facilitates commercial development.

Despite the fact that the latter has the advantage of being more accessible in price, they are not recommended land for establishing businesses because they are located in areas far from urban centers and have little or no infrastructure and development.

In addition to this, sometimes, it is ejido land that cannot even be sold since it does not belong to an individual but to the state. Therefore, carrying out a sale of this type would represent a risk for the investment.

On the contrary, urbanized land is private property and intended for short-term construction, so it has various characteristics, for example, good location, basic services such as electricity, drinking water, drainage, and documentation that supports its legality for providing legal certainty to the investor.

Uses and Characteristics of Urbanized Lots

In general, urbanized land is planned for residential purposes. However, there are real estate companies —such as Sky Marketing— that manage urbanized lots for commercial purposes.

Whether to build a house or commercial premises, it is required to have basic services on the ground; Among the main ones are:

  • Electric power
  • Drinking water
  • Sewer system
  • Paving
  • Street lighting
  • Sidewalks and ridges

Another important feature is that they are located near the urban sprawl, which will make the land increase in value and you will obtain a profit in the medium term.

In addition to a privileged location, you avoid additional expenses and the time it would take you to do the paperwork and the necessary improvements to develop on your own.

How to Choose a Plot of Urbanized Land?

The first thing is to have a clear idea of ​​what use you will give the land before making the investment.

Many people know the advantages of investing in land as a form of retirement savings since they are operations with a medium risk factor and that guarantee medium-term profitability.

However, although buying an investment lot is the best option for retirement, you must establish a business plan. For it to be a successful investment, you must determine for what purpose you want to acquire the land.

Briefly, these are the steps you must follow to buy developed land:

  • Determine the use that the land will have, either to build a home or build a business premises
  • Contact a real estate company —such as Sky Marketing— to receive advice. Remember to check the reputation of the company and that its lots are delivered urbanized.
  • Find the ideal location for your project. If you want to start a business and build commercial premises, make sure it is in an area with a high influx of people
  • Make a budget and consider the initial investment, as well as the expenses of the procedure and maintenance

Currently, it can be easy to invest in real estate. You can even buy land online; however, before deciding on a real estate agent, you should investigate and compare before proceeding.

This is due to the fact that among the wide range of investment lots on the market, not all of those offered have urbanization.

Most of the cheapest investment lots are located away from residential areas, usually on the outskirts of the city in police stations or municipalities. The problem they present is that they do not yet have services and it is not known exactly when the city council will carry out the urbanization work.

For this reason, you should opt for companies whose land already has market studies that guarantee the profitability of the property and guarantee the increase in capital gains in the medium or long term.

Advantages of Investing in Urbanized Lots

Investing in urbanized land offers the freedom to build and, at the same time, belong to an area that will provide endless benefits, compared to what it would be to do it in a rural or ejido area, far from the latent growth of urban sprawl and with the legal risks what this implies.

Many real estate agencies use low-quality materials to carry out the construction of their projects, so it is safer to buy the land and build it yourself in order to ensure that everything is done according to your needs.

And not only that, they are usually larger tracts of land, as opposed to buying homes or prefabs on limited land.

Being located in areas of accelerated growth, urbanized land is a safe and profitable investment in the future for commercial projects. Due to their location and planning, they are the ideal opportunity for commercial developments, such as small business premises and convenience stores.

In addition, they expand the options of use and are an alternative to obtaining income from the investment even without having been built since their location and characteristics allow them to be leased to franchises or other service providers.

Another of its advantages is the added value that it will obtain year after year. As the demand for purchase rises and the city continues to expand in population and services, the cost per square meter of urbanized land will increase exponentially, reflecting in a higher return on investment.

The price is also an advantage because you can buy pre-sale urbanized investment land saving a considerable amount, as opposed to buying it at market price.

There are real estate agencies that offer financing plans to acquire in a period of 24 to 36 months without interest, which results in savings and a higher profit margin in the future.

What to Take into Account when Acquiring an Urbanized Land?

In addition to location, price and space, there are other factors that you must take into account when buying your land:

  • Preferably choose a plot with a regular shape to make the most of the available space
  • Visit the land to verify the accessibility and the state of the surrounding areas, and corroborate the potential it has for housing or business
  • If you buy from an individual, hire the services of a real estate advisor and a notary public to verify that the land is regularized and has no debts
  • If you’re not going to build right away, find out what you need to do to keep the land in shape and prevent invaders from coming
  • Secure your purchase by deeding the land before a notary public and for it to be registered in the Public Registry of Property

Invest in Urbanized Land, your Best Option

Due to its rapid growth, today, the supply of urbanized land in Pakistan has been on the rise to respond to the expansion that the cities have registered and promote commercial development in emerging areas.

Now that you know the advantages of buying urbanized land in cities in Pakistan, all that remains is to find the ideal real estate company.

At Sky Marketing, we have projects of urbanized lots for commercial use developed in areas of Pakistan, which increase the chances of obtaining high returns thanks to their strategic location and delivery characteristics that facilitate short-term construction.

If you want to know more about these projects and the characteristics of our commercial land, contact us so that a specialized advisor can help you answer any questions you may have about expanding your business in a place where you can maximize your return on investment.

Author: M. Rubayet

Rammed Earth Houses

Rammed earth houses are a type of construction that has been used for centuries. It is a sustainable building technique that uses locally-available materials and has low environmental impact.

Rammed earth, or some may also call it Adobe Construction, is a technique of building with natural, local materials, such as clay, sand, straw or water. The mixture is compacted to form walls and other structures. Rammed earth houses are durable and long-lasting; they require little maintenance and they provide excellent insulation against heat and cold.

How to Build a Rammed Earth House

Rammed earth is a type of construction that is done by packing earth, sand, and clay together to form a solid mass. The mix is poured into a formwork, compressed and allowed to dry. The mortar that binds the solid mass is either a clay mix or lime putty, and can be made from natural ingredients or manufactured. The Wikipedia article on “Rammed earth” is here.

Rammed earth is one of the oldest building techniques in the world. It dates back to at least 2500 BC with evidence found in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. The technique was used to build many famous landmarks including the Great Wall of China and parts of the Egyptian pyramids.

Nowadays, rammed earth houses are still being built around the world but they are not as common as they once were.

What are the Benefits of Building with Rammed Earth?

Building with Rammed Earth is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to build structures. This technique has plenty of benefits, such as being energy efficient and carbon neutral.

In addition to the environmental benefits, Rammed Earth is also an energy efficient building technique. It’s a carbon-neutral building method that can be used in both warm and cold climates.

Rammed earth houses have excellent sound insulation and are fire and pest resistant.

The benefits of using this material for building are numerous. It’s strong, durable, easily available and inexpensive. The only downside to using rammed earth is the amount of time it takes for construction to be completed.

What are the Drawbacks of Building with Rammed Earth?

Rammed earth is a type of building material that is made by compressing layers of soil, gravel, sand and clay into blocks.

The drawbacks of building with rammed earth are primarily related to the high water content in the soil. When it’s used to build with, it will have an adverse effect on the stability of the structure. It also has a low thermal mass which will cause it to heat up quickly and cool down quickly.

Why You Should Consider Building Your Next Home With Rammed Earth

Rammed earth is a type of construction that is made by packing soil, clay, sand and other materials into a formwork. It has been around for centuries, but it is making a comeback due to its sustainable and cost-effective nature.


Building your next home with rammed earth will be the best decision you have ever made. It will not only save you money on construction costs but also leave behind a legacy for future generations to enjoy.

How to Fight Silverfish in Your House

We’ve all probably encountered them already at some stage, these small, wingless insects that are nocturnal and eat paper, fabric, and other organic substances. Yes, we are talking about silverfish. They are not exactly harmful but if they are too many it can be disturbing. So, let’s see how to fight silverfish infestations.

One way to fight silverfish is to use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up. You can also use a dustpan or a broom to sweep them up. The next step is to place the silverfish in a plastic bag and seal it tightly before throwing it away in an outdoor trash bin.

The Best Way to Control an Infestation of Silverfishes

Silverfish are one of the most common household pests and can be difficult to get rid of. However, there are a few tried and true methods that will help you get rid of silverfishes for good.

Don’t let an infestation of silverfish take over your home! Follow these simple steps to control them and keep them away for good.

There are two main ways to control an infestation of silverfish: physical removal or chemical treatment. You can use store-bought chemicals like boric acid or diatomaceous earth, or you can use natural substances like vinegar, dish soap, or boiling water.

You can buy traps or make your own traps to capture silver fish and kill them off. Some people use an empty cereal box with sugar or potato peels as a bait to make a simple trap. Others smear some honey on a paper – when the silver fish comes to feed on the honey it gets glued to it and is trapped.

How To Prevent A Silver Fish Infestation In Your Home

Silverfish are famous for their ability to eat through paper, clothes, and other organic materials. They can also survive in areas where there is little water. If you have a silverfish infestation in your home, it can be difficult to get rid of them. However, there are some preventative measures that you can take to keep them from coming back.

You should start by looking for any sources of moisture or food that attracts the silverfish. You should also make sure that your home is well ventilated so the silverfish will not have too much moisture to feed on.

Conclusion: How To Fight Silverfish

Silverfish can be a hard pest to get rid of because they are very resilient. They can go weeks without food and water. Also, they are not deterred by chlorine or most other common household poisons.

To prevent an infestation of silverfish, it is important to clean your home thoroughly. This includes vacuuming all carpets, removing cobwebs from ceilings, and cleaning up all spilled food in the kitchen. Silverfish are attracted to these areas so it is important that you make sure these areas are clean at all times.

One way to fight silverfish is by using a borax-based product in the cracks of your bathroom or kitchen tiles. This will dry out the silverfish eggs and kill them before they hatch. Another way to prevent an infestation of silverfish is by using an organic insecticide, such as neem oil or rosemary oil.