Five Essential Steps for Anyone Starting Their Own Home Improvement Company

It might not be too crazy to say that there’s never been a better time to start a home improvement business in the UK. Well, yes, it’s true that anyone thinking about starting their own company right now is going to be a bit concerned. Everyone is worried about how much they’re spending because the cost of living keeps going up and up. And that means that all businesses are having to work harder than ever to hit their targets. And it’s worth noting that there have been some chaotic changes in basically every market you can name over the last couple of years. That includes the property market.

But lots of people are thinking about doing up their homes instead of moving into a new one precisely because the property market has been so turbulent. While home improvement has generally been a pretty steady industry, there’s good reason to think that it might see a bit of a boom in the months ahead. So yes, this could be exactly the right time to get your business up and running.

Identify Your Niche

Niching down might seem like a risky step to take when you haven’t even gotten started yet. Why would you want to limit your options when there are so many different areas of home improvement that you could explore? Well, the first thing to remember is that it’s always better to do one thing exceptionally well than it is to do a lot of things to a mediocre standard. The second is that you should remember that most people will be looking to do one job at a time, and there’s a good chance that they will be searching online for that specific thing. It will also help to build your reputation if you can start getting feedback online, which takes us to the next point.

Build Your Web Presence

Word of mouth is going to be invaluable if you’re starting a home improvement business. It’s great if you can start getting some referrals from happy customers. But you’re more likely to find that customers are heading online and doing “near me” searches. You’re going to need a website that makes a great first impression and shows people that you’re the real deal. You’ll also need to think about the best ways that you can demonstrate your expertise on your site. Google is always hard at work refining its algorithm. One of the things it prioritises is user experience, which means that your written content doesn’t just need to be full of relevant keywords, it also needs to be helpful. You could put together some video content and image galleries to show off the quality of your work. And while you’re at it, why not think about setting up some social media profiles? They’re not all going to be relevant (you may not need TikTok just yet), but you might be surprised by the number of customers you get from these accounts.

Remember To Put Safety First

Let’s not beat around the bush: safety should be a major priority. It’s not good enough to tell yourself that you’re a sensible person and that you wouldn’t create any unnecessary risk. When you go to work on another property, you are taking responsibility for everyone on the site. That doesn’t just mean you, that also means the people who are working for you, and it may include the property owners. You’ll need to ensure that you take every possible step to minimise the risk of injury, and you’ll also need to think about whether you and/or your employees need to do any additional learning. For example, most people are aware that asbestos is unsafe to be around. But do you know exactly what steps you and your colleagues will need to take if you work somewhere with asbestos on site? If you’re looking to boost your asbestos awareness, then get in touch with the team at NATAS. Their award-winning health and safety courses and training will help you to keep your risks to an absolute minimum.

Know Who Your Customers Are

Your niche and skills are obviously two of the most important factors, but you must not overlook your target audience. It’s important to be realistic about the type of work that will be most in demand in your location and among the kinds of people who are likely to be looking to do some home improvement. For example, given last year’s historic heatwave, a lot of UK homeowners will be thinking about how they can keep cool this summer. And with energy prices continuing to soar, they will also be thinking ahead to the winter and planning to insulate their properties more effectively. Given the current cost of living issues, you may find that repairs and renovations are in higher demand than extensions, for example. So, set aside some time for some good research. What kind of jobs are you going to be pitching for a few years down the line? If the answer is different to what you expected, it might be time to add some skills to your set.

Go Sustainable

Speaking of record-breaking heatwaves, everyone needs to be thinking a lot harder about how sustainable their businesses are. There will be a lot of pressure to show that you are taking climate change seriously from local authorities, not to mention potential clients and customers. You might find that you get a big boost if you can show that you’ve got a green strategy in place. So, think about using an electric vehicle, and look for recycled materials for your projects. Research greener alternatives that you can recommend to your clients that will keep their carbon footprints low as well as keep their energy bills down. This issue is only going to become more and more important over the next few years. You can save a lot of time and effort by thinking about it from day one.

Author: Ryan Byrne

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5 Beautiful Ways to Upgrade Your Home

Upgrading your home does not have to mean hiring builders to spend months extending and improving your home. There are lots of ways you can make big changes without having to undergo the upheaval of a complete renovation. Here are five beautiful ways to upgrade your home.

Paint the Walls

Painting the walls will make a room look fresher and cleaner. You can update your home with a fresh coat of paint that matches your existing colour or go for a completely different colour to give your room a whole new look. One option that is very popular is to paint three of the walls in a single shade and then make a feature wall on the fourth using some vibrant wallpaper or an interesting pattern. Painting is one of the easiest DIY jobs to do and it is possible to finish a room or two over a weekend.

Replace the Doors

First impressions count and doors are the first thing your guests will see when they walk into a room. Therefore, it makes sense to upgrade your doors if you want that first impression to give off a wow factor. For example, oak internal doors look great and really elevate the look of a room. Oak doors can also improve the value of your home, making their purchase quite cost-effective. And with such a brilliant oak door selection available these days, you are likely to find something that will match your style and budget easily.

Invest In Some New Soft Furnishings

Soft furnishings can change the appearance of a room quickly and easily. A splash of colour can be added with cushions or a bright rug. You could even change your soft furnishings to match your new wall colour.

Clever Use of Mirrors

Mirrors can be used to change the appearance of a room if they are put in the most appropriate places. For example, you can use mirrors to bounce light around the room and make your space look brighter by placing them opposite the light source. Place a mirror behind the sofa if you want to create an illusion of space in a small room.

Change the Lighting

Changing the lighting can make a huge difference to a room and it is not difficult to do. If you want to make your room look cosy and welcoming, invest in a couple of table lamps, and use these instead of your main light. This will create a traditional feel in the room, especially if you use vintage-style lamps. To create a more modern atmosphere, bright lights work well, so use spotlights placed around the room and position them on any focal points you want to create. For the best of both worlds, a dimmer switch is a good idea. This way you can change your lighting to match your mood.

Try some of these beautiful ways to upgrade your home and see how much difference they can make to your living space.

Author: Ryan Byrne

If you are serarching for the cheapest houses, have a look at our listings.

Five Ways to Make a Dark Room Appear Brighter

If you live in a house that is naturally dark, you may find it affects your mood. Dark rooms also feel colder than a bright, open space, even if the room is actually the same temperature. With rising gas and electricity costs, you could find that investing money in making your room brighter saves you money in the long run.

Choose Bi-Fold Doors

Bi-fold doors have become increasingly popular in recent years and one of the reasons is that they allow light to flood into a room. If you have a room that backs onto a garden, bi-fold doors could be an ideal solution to making a dark room brighter. Not only that, but it also makes your garden a more useable space that feels part of your home and increases the sense of flow which is so important in making a house feel roomy.

Add Skylights

Adding a skylight window (also sometimes called a flat roof window) will instantly make a room lighter and brighter. Roof windows are an excellent choice for extensions and there are a range of options available from budget choices to luxury products. Whether you’re watching the clouds float overhead, enjoying radiant sunshine or listening to the pitter patter of raindrops, you will feel closer to nature and be able to appreciate the glow, for flat roof windows bring both style and light to a room.

Mirror Magic

A strategically placed mirror can make a huge difference to the light level in a room. To take best advantage, hang a mirror opposite a source of natural light such as a window or door. This clever trick reflects the light around the room, making it appear brighter and more spacious – no wonder interior designers have been using this trick for years! For anyone on a tight budget this is well worth a try and also adds a feature to a wall that needs livening up.

Go All White

A pale colour palette is another go-to move for interior designers looking to make a space seem brighter. Brilliant white walls will reflect light and make a space seem airier, but if a room is particularly dingy, you may want to take things further with white flooring and furniture. Painted floorboards are on-trend right now and are an affordable option for people wanting a quick fix.

Avoid Clutter

Cluttered spaces and heavy, dark furniture can make a space feel cramped. If you think your belongings could be draining your space of much-needed light, it could be time for a clear out. Set aside a day to decide what can be got rid of and list on online selling sites or donate to charity. A minimalist approach isn’t for everyone, but it creates a brighter, streamlined look that will benefit a dark space.

Whichever option you choose, enjoy the benefits of extra light in your home. Not only can it boost your mood but it can also make you feel a renewed sense of pride for your living space.

Author: Ryan Byrne

If you are serarching for the cheapest houses, have a look at our listings.

6 Unusual Household Noises And What They Might Mean

Hearing unusual sounds around the house can be alarming, and many times they aren’t cause for concern. However, any homeowner should be diligent about sounds around the house, particularly new or unusual ones that start happening out of the blue. Some sounds might need that some routine maintenance might be required, while others might indicate a potentially serious issue.

If you’re concerned about a noise in your home, the best thing you can do is try to locate the source of the noise. At the very least, try to pinpoint the exact spot in the house where it occurs. Knowing where the sound is coming from is vital to finding out what is causing it and helping you find the right professional to check things out. Never ignore a new or unusual sound, as this could be an indicator of a more serious underlying issue that requires urgent attention.

Scratching In The Walls

Scratching in the walls can be a creepy noise to hear in the house and might mean you have some uninvited guests. Pests can get into the wall cavities of the home and can be a real challenge to get rid of. There are other signs of pests to watch out for, in addition to scratching or squeaking in the walls. Pests like mice, rats, and birds might make the tell-tale scratching in the house. If you’re worried you have pests, you’ll need to hire a professional pest removal service to ensure the problem is taken care of thoroughly.

Whistling Windows

Whistling windows may mean that there is a draught coming through from worn, broken or poorly fitted windows. Depending on the severity of the draught, you may need to consider replacing the windows entirely. This is particularly vital if the glass is damaged in any way. If it is the seal around the window that is causing the whistling, then you can usually fix this issue using sealant bought at your local DIY shop.

Banging From The Radiator

Banging in the radiator is often caused by air being trapped in it. This can also result in the radiator not warming up properly or not warming up at the top. Fortunately, there is a simple solution for this noise. Bleeding the radiator will normally allow the trapped air to escape and the hot water to return to the radiator. This should resolve the issue of the noise and lack of heat in the radiator, though if the issue persists, it is best to consult a professional plumber.

Buzzing Around Lights And Outlets

If there is a buzzing sound that’s coming from around an outlet or light, then you could have an issue with your wiring. This could be as simple as a loose connection or something more serious. Either way, it is vital that you get in touch with a professional electrician as soon as possible. Loose wiring and other electrical issues can be a fire hazard, so you should turn the power off to any fixture or outlet that is buzzing. MyBuilder is an excellent way to find a suitable electrician in your area with a review system so that you can be sure you’re getting the very best.

Gurgling From The Pipes

Gurgling pipes can be a sign that there is a blockage in the pipes. When there is debris or clogging in the pipes, it prevents water from flowing easily along. Air bubbles may get trapped and released, causing the gurgling sound in your pipes. This is an issue that should not be ignored, and you’ll need a professional plumber to take a look and run some diagnostic tests as soon as possible. A blocked drain can result in serious complications like a burst pipe or flooding.

Rustling Gutters

Rustling in the gutters can have a few causes, but the most common are blockages or birds nesting. A blockage in your gutter can cause a rustling sound as water moves around the blockage or spills over onto the ground. A blockage should be cleared out as soon as possible by a professional with experience working at height and with guttering. If the rustling is caused by birds nesting, you’ll need to wait until the nest is no longer in use and find a suitable professional to humanely remove the nest from your guttering.


It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to unusual sounds in the home. If you have concerns about any noises, you should get them checked out immediately by a qualified professional. It might take some time to determine the exact cause of the noise, and you may need to bring more than one tradesperson in to investigate. You should never ignore a new noise, no matter how innocent it appears to be. Strange noises are often the first warning sign of something more serious going on.

Are you looking to buy or sell a very cheap property, visit us on

5 Decorating Mistakes That Makes Your Home Looks Like a Mess

It is easy to overdo the act of decorating your home. You can get too excited when you decorate your home and still not like the finished product.

If you are decorating your first investment property, you may feel overwhelmed with everything you need to consider. What should be the color of the wall, the type of fixtures to use even up to the smallest detail of whether to hang wall art or not you have to consider.

And that is normal to feel.

If decorating your home still leaves you perplexed to this day, read on below to alert you of some oversights that you can avoid.

Depending on open storage too much

Strategically planning where to place these repositories, or even how to put it should be done. You have to plan this well, whether to have free-standing shelves or cleverly spaced-out floating ones.

Whichever way you want to place it, the critical thing to note is not to overcrowd it. Avoid filling in up to the tiniest gaps. Be creative; use scented candles as a book stopper. Add plants on one corner for some pop of colors. Look for dainty vases that can stand on their own or house some freshly picked flowers.

Too many colors

Another mistake that some people commonly make when decorating houses is choosing too many colors. It can make a space look cluttered even without any clutter around. It can also be more of a form of destruction than your focus source.

The best way to overcome it is by creating a mood board and incorporating the 60-30-10 rule. It is a known interior design technique where 60% will be your primary color. You can use this color in large free spaces, like the wall. Next, you can apply the 30% color accent chairs and curtains while the 10% would constitute your furnishings such as cushions and lamps.

And then translate that mood board into reality once you are happy with it.

Exposed cords

Remember your open storage? Never display gaming consoles there. Because chances are you will see tangled wires all the time, and it is best if you stash them away.

The first thing to do is find where your electrical outlets are. Try to place your big appliances near it, so wires do not have to be exposed that much. If it is inevitable to use extension cords, invest in wire organizers to conceal the mess.

At MaidSailors – Cleaning Services Austin, they believe that organizing stuff has to go hand-in-hand with the owner’s personality and individual concerns. Remember that it is never wrong to ask for help and let the professionals do it for you.

Too many decorations

When decorating your home, always live by the saying “less is more.”

Do not feel like you have to constantly fill in even the tiniest space or gap in your home with decor. It will make a room look cluttered, and it will also be challenging to clean a house with so many loose displays.

The key is to find accessories that you can also use for something else. For example, use a bowl of fruits as your table centerpiece rather than an empty vase. Get those small and dainty dishes to catch little things such as keys or a pair of earrings. And then the rest make sure to stow them away.

Pushing your furniture against the wall

One interior designer who is based in Santa Cruz, California says that she often sees her clients incorporate massive pieces of furniture and then place them against a wall. It is true that this strategy could sometimes maximize the space. However, most of the time, it does otherwise and makes the space look “much too cramped” according to her.

Depending on how big or small your given space was, start by getting the important ones such as a couch and a coffee table for your living area. Place them toward the center and then work on your way out. See if a floor lamp can still be added or would it be better to just add another side table instead.

In Summary

Although people can easily make decorating mistakes, individuals can also efficiently avoid most of these oversights. And the first step to it is awareness. So, by now, you should probably feel more confident to start decorating your house more intently.

Author: Jacky Xu

List Of Things That Shape Your Wellness Living

Everyone wants a balanced, healthy, and peaceful life. But when it comes to what wellness living actually means, many people get confused about the necessary dos and don’ts. This is why most people feel like falling behind in achieving their goals.

So, to help you get a better idea about what matters and doesn’t, below is a list of things that you would need at some point in your life, if not now.

So, scroll down further, and enjoy!

Your Emotional Health

Wellness living means taking care of every aspect of your life that can significantly affect how you move forward with your daily routine or life as a whole.

Therefore, in our list of the things that should matter the most for you to live better, taking care of your mental health holds a vital position.

The man of present times has become more complicated and busy than ever before.

You are always expected to work too hard, be the epitome of perfectionism and positivity, sort your life as soon as possible, and a lot more.

All of this has the potential of leading you toward a point where you are constantly exhausted, not sure what to do next, or dwelling on some beliefs that someone implanted in you or don’t hold any reasonable value at all, etc., ultimately impacting your mental well-being on a matchless level.

Therefore, regardless of your professional and personal commitments, don’t overlook how you are emotionally or mentally.

This will allow you to recognize your inner self from time to time, providing you with a better perspective of how you should be moving forward to embrace the calmness you deserve.

Financial Management

Your financial position can make or break your wellness living.

Yes, you read that right!

Therefore, to avoid such an inconvenient situation where your finances take a toll on you, try to practice financial management.

This will allow you to be cautious in times like buying a home for the first time and other major decisions of your life.

Muscular Strength

After prioritizing your mental health to make wellness living a reality, your next step should be taking care of your physical health, strength, and needs.

Because after all, it is the two of these – physical and mental – that make you a whole and better human being.

Neglecting bodily vigor would negatively impact mental well-being and vice versa.

Therefore, make a healthy diet and snacking a part of your daily goals, keep your body moving, be it exercise, walking, or planning activities that align with your aspirations, and so on to maintain your muscular strength for now and the foreseeable future.

But one thing that you should keep in mind is first to get to the bottom of your stamina and strength level and the key points that you should be working on.

Once you are well aware of your dos and don’ts, you will automatically start loving and enjoying what you have started instead of feeling it as some kind of obligation or burden on you.   

Your Level Of Socializing

When it comes to true human nature, it is impossible for the social animal, aka humankind, to survive without socializing.

In fact, interacting with other people or living beings as a whole and having meaningful connections are what help everyone see the bright side of this life.

Therefore, when someone tells you that socializing is not that important, tell them otherwise because it is a vital part of your wellness living.

Make time for your loved ones, be there when a friend of yours asks you to attend a cool party or get-together, prepare your home on festivities or holidays and invite special guests over to get the most out of special occasions collectively, in short, don’t hold yourself back to opt for an opportunity that brings calmness, joy, and beauty to your life.

A Beautiful Space

One of the most important aspects of wellness living is how you feel about your residential space.

If it makes you feel happy and comfortable, then you are on the safe side. However, if you feel otherwise, then you need to make some positive changes.

It is a natural fact that when you make your home appealing and organized with things that personify the beauty of life and align with your interests as well as needs, you automatically feel relaxed after a hectic day at work.

So, while you work on other important things, be mindful of what kind of changes your space needs and shape them accordingly because home is not a home unless you decorate it with love and warmth.

Bottom Line:

Wellness living will demand effort from every dimension of your life; that’s what makes it perfect for us.

With that being said, if you have got anything to add or suggest, feel free to drop us your precious feedback in the comments section below!

9 Clever Tricks to Make Your House Look Bigger

If you are living in a small space, then you know how it feels like to look cramped and restricted in your square footage.

When you try to cram everything in a tiny space, it will feel claustrophobic and anything but restful. The struggle is real.

Fortunately, you can reinvent your space so that it will turn out to be a spacious, well-designed home. Here are nin home design tricks that will make your small living space look bigger in no time:

1. Use enough amount of lighting

A room will look larger if it is well-lit, either with natural or artificial lighting.

Remove heavy draperies and open up your windows more to let the light from the outdoors enter your space. Brightly lit rooms will feel more open, eliminating shadows that can make space look smaller.

If you can, place your most used pieces of furniture, such as your favorite sofa, near the window so that you will have a view of the outdoors.

If there is minimal light, you can install track lighting. These flexible track heads and bright light can act as a substitute for direct light.

2. Opt for larger decorations

Using small knick-knacks make a space look cluttered and a lot smaller.

Utilize the triangle rule and symmetry when styling vignettes on coffee tables, dining tables, nightstands, and so on. Limit the groupings of your decor items into 3 to 5, as well.

Remember that you do not need to place accents on every surface of your room. Allow space to “breathe” instead of filling it with unnecessary clutter.

Heavy, weighty pieces of furniture tend to take too much space. For instance, a sleek sofa chair will provide you with as much sitting room as its overstuffed counterpart.

If you want to add a huge statement piece, such as a piece of art, then hang it on the wall. Do not use up valuable living space by placing it on the floor.

3. Choose monochromatic colors

Another classic decor tip is to use lighter hues when painting a relatively small space.

Painting the walls and the trim of the room with the same color tends to draw the eye up, highlighting the ceiling, as well as the entire room.

Both cool and delicate warm color tones on most surfaces will give the room a more open look, because you’re creating contrast, building depth and illusion of a much bigger space.

4. Hang mirrors in your home

Want to instantly create large, open spaces? Well, that starts with careful placement of your mirrors.

By placing them across windows and doorframes, you will be able to catch a glimpse outdoors and other rooms in the house, making space look larger.

A small space should include mirrors to make a greater sense of openness. Not only do they tend to reflect the light, but they also reflect the view, tricking the eye to perceive more space than it has.

5. Use patterns and stripes

Decorating a small room can be challenging. But another trick here is to decorate it with stripes and patterns so that it will appear larger.

Stripes could trick the eye to thinking that a room is taller and bigger than it is. For instance, if you have a narrow hallway, throwing in a horizontal rug will make it look wider. Similarly, a striped carpet can make a room look longer.

Moreover, a lot of people think that they can only use small patterns when decorating a room, but the opposite is true. You can utilize bold prints on the farthest corner of the room to draw in the eyes, creating an illusion of a much bigger, larger room.

6. Choose parallel or diagonal flooring

The way your flooring is installed can also make a space larger. As a general rule, installing flooring like boards running parallel with the longest wall of the room instantly makes it look more spacious.

Another flooring trick is to install boards or tiles diagonally. Although it is not the standard thing to do, the eyes will be deceived that space is vaster.

7. Invest in transparent furniture

A piece of furniture that creates an illusion of space are the ones that are made of glass. Using clear or see-through furniture will make space look more open.

If you want a space to look more spacious, yet you have to bring in more furniture, then go for the ones that have a glass top or have glass on the sides.

8. Get rid of unnecessary items

When designing your space, pick items that have simple lines and shapes. Remove the visual clutter by buying larger furniture pieces instead of several smaller items.

You do not have to stick with the usual sofa and loveseat arrangement, either. You can pair a smaller couch with one or two chairs.

You can also get rid of any excess items, including accessories that help contribute to the visual clutter of a room. Try to stay away from smaller artwork and decor, large statement pieces can also make a room appear larger and create an accent.

9. Use Multifunctional furniture

You can take the minimalist approach to make your space appear spacious.

Start investing in multi-functional furniture. In other words, pick things that serve a dual-purpose, such as a sofa that has a pull-out storage space, or an ottoman that you can also be doubled for extra storage.

Identify which furniture you want to downsize so that you can free-up that extra space. For instance, you can replace your traditional bed with a pull-out sofa or a daybed that can also double as a sofa.

Having limited space, places a lot of restrictions on so many things. So, if you are having problems with having a small home space, you can always look for creative ways to try to bring out that extra space in a room or at least create an illusion of a much bigger space.

About the Author:

Jacky Xu is the Chief Operating Officer at Maid Sailors Maid Service Austin. Maid Sailors takes pride in providing unparalleled cleaning services at affordable prices and will help transform your house into a home.

Top 9 Home Improvements That Will Pay Off

There’s no right time to start making upgrades or improvements to your home. Some people choose to do upgrades as ideas pop up, while others prefer to make all of their home improvements at once. Either way, making improvements to your home can pay off big. Not only does it make your home more functional and comfortable while you’re still living in it, but it can also improve your home’s value. When the time comes to sell, you’ll be happy you made those improvements. 

If you’re looking for home improvements that pay off, you’ve come to the right place. Check out our list of the top home improvements that can help you list your home for a higher price and improve your enjoyment of the home. 

  1. Painting 

When you first bought the house, the odds are that you were moving on a budget, and the only upgrade you could afford was a few coats of paint. This one is easy. It doesn’t take much time, energy, or money to paint your house, and it can have a dramatic effect. If you paint your house the right colors, you can make it feel like a completely new space. 

If you’re planning on living in the house for years to come, you don’t have to worry about how other people will feel about the colors. Choose colors that promote what you want to feel in your home. For example, you may choose a calming purple for your bedroom but a vibrant yellow for your living room. 

If you’re planning on selling your house, you’ll want to choose more neutral colors. These colors allow homebuyers to envision themselves in the home more easily since the space won’t look like it belongs to someone else. 

  1. Upgrade Your Bed

This home improvement likely won’t help you sell your house, but it can help you sleep easier during such a stressful time. You don’t have to purchase a new mattress to make upgrades to your bed. Instead, consider using pillows that can help you sleep better no matter what. For example, if you suffer from acid reflux, an acid reflux pillow can help you fall asleep and stay asleep with less discomfort. 

  1. A New Air Conditioner

A 5 ton AC system won’t only keep you cool more effectively and efficiently in the hot summer months, but it can also save you money. If your air conditioner hasn’t been replaced in a few years or decades, now is that time. New furnaces are more energy-efficient as well, which means that you’ll be paying less on your monthly electric bill. 

  1. Build a Deck

A deck adds additional living space that many homebuyers are willing to pay a premium for. With additional seating and a palace to add a barbecue, you’ll be happy you added a deck for spending your time out in the sun every summer. 

If you’re planning on selling your house, build a deck with natural wood for a higher return on your investment. 

  1. Update Your Kitchen

This home improvement is one of the most time-consuming and costly on our list, but every home deserves a beautiful kitchen. The kitchen is the heart of the home for many families because it’s where everyone sits down to dinner together after a day spent apart. After raising a family in your house, your kitchen likely needs a little TLC. 

Updating a few of your appliances can make cooking family meals easier and more fun while adding shelving can make your kitchen look brand new. 

If you’re planning on selling your house, a newly renovated kitchen is a premium that buyers are willing to pay for. People looking to buy homes do not want to renovate the home themselves, so you’ll be saving them time and money, which makes them more likely to purchase your home. 

If an appliance or kitchen overhaul isn’t in the cards for you financially, you can make cosmetic improvements like painting your cabinets or changing your handles. 

  1. Landscaping

The front of your house is the first thing people see. If your home makes a bad first impression on buyers, they are less likely to purchase it even if the inside of the home is beautiful. Make sure that your landscaping is simple and not too over the top. If buyers want to add to the front or back yards, they can do so themselves, but you want to appeal to everyone, so it’s important to keep your grass healthy at the very least. 

  1. Fix Up Your Basement

Your basement can provide you with extra square footage if you spend time down there. Unfortunately, many people choose not to finish their basements because it takes time and money. Fixing up your basement can help you appeal to buyers because it provides them with an additional space that they can use for entertainment or turn into an additional living space. 

  1. Add Hooks

Not every improvement needs to cost you thousands of dollars. If you want to improve your home’s functionality, you can add hooks near the doors for people to hang their coats. This is especially beneficial if you don’t have a front hall closet for jackets, coats, and hats. 

  1. Add a Pool

Adding a pool can provide you with a huge return on investment, but it can also offer you and your family an additional place to hang out during hot summers. A pool can help potential buyers see themselves relaxing in the home and enjoying their time at home, which will make them more likely to purchase your house. 

Final Thoughts

Home improvements don’t have to break the bank to help you sell your home or increase its functionality. When considering home improvement, make sure that you set a budget for yourself and stick to it. It’s all too easy to go over budget, especially when renovating your home can be fun. 

When it comes to making improvements with the goal of selling your house, do everything you can to make the potential homebuyers picture themselves living in your home, from staging it correctly to adding a deck or pool. 

Matt Casadona

Matt Casadona has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Psychology. He is currently a contributing editor for 365 Business Tips. Matt is passionate about marketing and business strategy and enjoys the San Diego life, traveling and music.